Saturday, March 13, 2010


I always have the best of intentions. Must finish writing chapter 5, must edit chapter 1-3, must read manuscript makeover book, must read self- editing book, must exercise, must clean kitchen(or not), must finish my master's degree, etc. Yes, the things to do list is long and each time I cross something off, other things make it onto the lists.

I was so proud of myself last month. I had a spreadsheet with daily words recorded. I was really on a roll. Then I got the self editing books I'd ordered in the mail and HAD to read those. Didn't want to finish the manuscript making ms killing mistakes. Then I got sidetracked with highlighting the different kinds of mistakes in various color highlighters.

Big mistake. Now my manuscript looks like it fell into a vat of starburst colors and I've made no more word count progress.

So now, I'm revising the first 3 chapters to send off along with my synopsis to HP because I need to have something out there.

I don't think my write and revise as I go is working. I NEED to see progress.

That's why I spent half the morning trying to figure out how to add the word meter to my side bar. After pulling out a few fistful of hair while trying to get Saturday chores done, and put the baby down for a late nap, it's done.


Up next I'm going to do the speed round and finish the ms WITHOUT going back until the end. I need to see the finish line. Then I'll come back and spend way too much time editing. Crossing my fingers that this method will work better.

1 comment:

  1. Those word meter thingys can be such a nightmare. It took me ages to work out how to add one (and then I took it off again because my progress was woeful).

    Keeping everything crossed for your partial sub.

